четвртак, 23. јануар 2014.


  U petak 24. januara na kioscima će se pojaviti “Kigaku za 2014. godinu”, novo izdanje časopisa “Blic žena” o japanskoj astrologiji i njenim predviđanjima  – deveto po redu, uzastopce, od 2006. godine. Takvo izdanje, pored Srbije, postoji samo u Japanu i tamo se objavljuje u nekoliko miliona primeraka. Japanci veruju u njegova predviđanja, a, pored toga, uvek se uz njega lepo zabave.  
   Ove godine specijalni dodatak japanskom horoskopu je tekst “Tajne lepote Japanki” u kome, na 16. strana ( uz mnogo ilustracija )  možete da saznate razloge zašto Japanke dugo zadržavaju vitalnost, lep ten, šarm, kako se neguju, kupaju, hrane, pa i to zašto su najdugovečnije na svetu.  
   Ovogodišnje izdanje “Kigaku za 2014. godinu” košta 59 dinara, isto kao i prošle godine, pa je pristupačno skoro svakom, a i odličan je predlog za lep i zanimljiv poklon. Pozovite prijatelje i poznanike da ga kupe, ili im ga kupite vi, kako bi redakcija “Blic Žene” nastavila da ga izdaje i u godinama koje dolaze.

Dragan Milenković
tel: +38163-332-358

уторак, 14. јануар 2014.

Jim Brandenburg & new book *Eyes in the Dark*

Poets Showcase at the Twig

Jim Brandenburg & Mo Saidi
Don't miss this opportunity tomorrow night, January 14, at 7:00 p.m.
to meet and listen to the founders of Voices de la Luna. Especially,
Jim Brandenburg will be previewing his new book, Eyes in the Dark,which is a memoir of dreams and poetry and is a new literary genre.

James Brandenburg

B.A. English, German
Post-Graduate Major Theatre Arts
M.A. German, minor English
M.A. Theatre Arts, minor psychology
M.Ed. Guidance and Counseling
Licensed School Counselor
Licensed Professional Counselor
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Certified Poetry Therapist -
(see National Association of Poetry Therapy)

Jim is a Jungian Analyst in Training at the Zentrum (Research and Training Institute according to C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz) in Zürich, Switzerland
  • Worked in education for 42 years as teacher, counselor, instructor, and adjunct professor. Taught kindergarten through graduate school.
  • Lived and worked in Germany for ten years.
  • Fluent in English, German and Spanish.
  • Studied philosophy in German College for one year.
  • Lived and studied in Spain past four summers.
  • Has read his poetry in several states and in foreign countries, including Puerto Rico, Mexico, France, Germany and Spain.

Mo H Saidi
Mo H Saidi is a physician-writer with a master’s degree in English and American Literature and Language from Harvard. His first book of poetry, Art in the City, won the 2007 Eakin Award of the Poetry Society of Texas; his recent book, The Color of Faith, was published by St. Mary’s University Pecan Grove Press in April 2010. He has published poems, essays, and short stories in literary and medical periodicals. He is the Editor of Voices de la Luna: A Quarterly Poetry & Arts Magazine.